Our Sponsors

When running the competition and any public-facing parts of our organisation, it is important to bear in mind and give credit to the persons/organisations that support us; in other words putting their logo on things and thanking them where thanks are due, because their support is very important to the functioning of our organisation.

Sponsors for SourceBots

These sponsors support us in running the main competition and the Smallpeice Summer School.

University of Southampton

University of Southampton Logo

We are sponsored by the University of Southampton Electronics and Computer Science Department so that we can be a source of recruitment for potential STEM students, currently in their A-level/sixth-form years and looking at universities for Electronics, Computer Science, or Engineering courses.

Farnell element14

element14 Logo

Farnell supports us by providing components for the kits.

We write blog posts for their website for other societies or organisations trying to do similar things (i.e. running robotics competitions, building competition-running software, running a STEM outreach programme with volunteers).

Additional sponsors for Smallpeice Summer School

These sponsors support us in running the week-long Smallpeice Summer School.

Smallpeice Trust

Smallpeice Logo

The Smallpeice Trust is an independent charity which works with universities and other institutions to provide STEM programmes to children in schools (typically ages 12-18) and allow them to get involved with and excited about a career in STEM subjects.

They support our Summer School by getting the kids involved in the first place and paying for some aspects of the competition proceedings (e.g. kits, volunteers if there is budget for it).


ARM Logo

ARM is an international company which develops the architecture used by billions of processing chips across all kinds of technology.

They sponsor a number of Smallpeice programmes including the Summer School.